Believer to the policeman: Show the document that I can’t get to the shrine

Dialogue between a believer of the UOC and a policeman. Photo: screenshot

On April 21, 2023, the police representatives who blocked the access of the UOC believers to the temples of the Lavra could not explain on the basis of what they were doing this.

One of the parishioners of the Lavra, who has a law degree, explained to the police representative that by blocking the passage to the temple, he violates the rights of believers.

“We have a rule of law state, where the Church is separated from the state, and you should not interfere with the rights and freedoms of other people,” the parishioner of the Lavra told the policeman.

He stated that he "acts legally." In response, the parishioner asked him to provide the relevant documents:

"I'm not asking for much, just provide me with a document on the basis of which I cannot enter the sanctuary with a thousand years of history."

The law enforcement representative was unable to justify his actions with whatever documents.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the police blocked Building 39 of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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