Shariy: Police find no hate speech in Muzhdabaev's statements about UOC

Ayder Muzhdabaev. Photo:

The National Police of Ukraine did not see any signs of hate speech in the words of the deputy general director of the “ATR” Crimean Tatar TV channel Ayder Muzhdabaev, who, speaking about the UOC, called on Orthodox Ukrainians to “get out” of the FSB Church-killer. Media expert Anatoly Shariy said about this on his Youtube channel.

Shariy explains that he received a response to the application for registering a criminal offence against journalist-blogger Ayder Muzhdabaev, who recorded the video “Church-death”, “Church-evil”. Moscow priests have proved that they disregard Ukrainians”, in which he groundlessly accuses the UOC of spreading COVID-19 in Ukraine, constantly calling the UOC-MP an FSB unit.

The response of the National Police to the request that the political force “Party of Shariy” submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, says that law enforcers did not see signs of inciting religious hatred and enmity in Muzhdabaev's statements, and therefore they refused to file the case with the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations.

Commenting on the response of the police, Shariy speaks about the selective approach of law enforcers to law violation: “Someone can, but someone can’t,” Shariy notes and recalls that recently, according to Article 161 on inciting religious hatred and enmity, a case has been opened against a person who spoke negatively about the Tomos.


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