A complaint filed with the police against a journalist who called Communion "crap"

Participants of the Channel 5 program Serhiy Dmitriev and Yanina Sokolova. Photo: screenshot of the Channel 5 YouTube channel

On April 18, 2023, a journalist and a guest of the Channel 5 program “Rendezvous with Yanina Sokolova” were filed a complaint for inciting religious hatred and hostility, insulting the feelings of citizens based on their religious beliefs. This was announced in his telegram channel by the lawyer of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Archpriest Nikita Chekman.

“In the production of ‘Rendezvous with Yanina Sokolova’ dated April 8, 2023, the participants of the program use extremely negative characteristics and comments about the UOC and its believers, calling the Church ‘Moscow’, discussing the need and timing of its complete destruction, claiming that the UOC is non-canonical. The statements of believers aimed at protecting the Church are called ‘rabid heresy’,” the lawyer said.

He clarified that "the program uses offensive terms in relation to Holy Communion, which is one of the most important sacraments of Christians." In particular, Sokolova called the Holy Gifts "some kind of crap."

The lawyer believes that by doing so, the journalist “offends not only the feelings of the UOC believers, but also all Christians, for whom the Eucharist is recognized as one of the main sacraments, the artery of the Liturgy.”

According to the lawyer, “public statements on the air of the Channel 5 TV channel contain calls and remarks aimed at aggravation of the intolerant, hostile attitude in society towards the UOC, and, consequently, at inciting religious enmity and hatred, insulting the feelings of citizens based on their religious convictions."

Fr. Nikita expresses hope that "the Podil police department of the GUNP in Kyiv will immediately enter the information into the ERDR and begin a fair and impartial pre-trial investigation."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the “priest” of the OCU kept silent on the blasphemy of the journalist about Communion.

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