Ternopil mayor, who took the UOC Cathedral land, is on trial for corruption

The mayor of Ternopil Serhiy Nadal. Photo: slovoidilo.ua

Ternopil mayor Serhiy Nadal held an extraordinary session of the city council to expropriate a site under the UOC cathedral on the very day (April 17, 2023) when the trial of his (the mayor's) corruption abuses began. This was reported by the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption accuses Nadal of illegally paying himself 250% of the bonus every month during 2022.

The Information Department of the UOC claims that by organizing a session to deprive the church community of the right to use the land, the mayor committed "another violation of the law, since this decision is absolutely illegal, contains signs of a criminal offense – excess of official duties, as well as discrimination against believers based on their religious beliefs (Art. 161 of the Criminal Code).

"Obviously, the mayor's 'patriotism' lies in making decisions that have no legal consequences," the report says. “However, he once again promotes the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by convening an extraordinary session a few hours before the trial of the sky-high bonuses during martial law.”

The Information Department of the UOC emphasizes this is about the “theft of budget funds during the Russian aggression.”

As the UOJ reported, the premises of the diocesan administration are located at the same address as the Ternopil Cathedral of the UOC in honor of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.

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