UOC parish in Bashuky builds a temple in place of the one seized by UOC-KP

Metropolitan Sergiy (Gensitsky) of Ternopil and Kremenets consecrates the crosses of the church. Photo: spzh.news

On July 19, 2020, the construction of the UOC temple in honor of the Holy Archangel of God Michael in Bashuky village, Ternopil region, was completed, according to the Favor Charity Foundation.

“Today we are completing the project for the construction of a typical church in honor of the Holy Archangel Michael of God in the village of Bashuky, Ternopil region," the foundation reported.

It also told about the project for the construction of the temple, which was implemented with the support of the organization and benefactors.

“For two years, during which the church was being built, we raised UAH 182,083 and purchased the necessary building materials – concrete, brick, cement and much more. However, most importantly, during the construction of the temple, a benefactor was found who took upon himself the completion of construction work, the improvement of the temple and the temple grounds, and this is the main success of money raising. May God grant health and salvation to the servant of God Andrei!” the organization said in its message.

According to the staff of the foundation, the temple was built thanks to the active position of both the rector personally and the community as a whole: “As long as the believers, led by their priest, are eager to build the House of God and make every effort to find benefactors, stakeholders, as well as building materials and other resources, then everything will go smoothly and, indeed, with God's help."

Currently, the temple is awaiting consecration.

The foundation's projects may be supported at the following link.

Recall that in 2015, supporters of the UOC-KP undertook a forcible seizure of the temple of the canonical Church in the village of Bashuky. The struggle for the temple, in which representatives of the regional authorities took an active part, lasted for 2 years. They did not fear to use even fraud with the state register and forgery of documents.

On November 21, 2017, Metropolitan Sergiy consecrated the land for the construction of a new church, but only in 2018 the parishioners of the UOC managed to re-register their community. On October 20, 2018, members of the religious community of the canonical Church began construction works, in which they were assisted by the Favor Charity Foundation.

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