MP who spoke of low-quality children calls for prostitution legalization

Galina Tretyakova. Photo:

The people's deputy from the “Servant of the People” party Galina Tretyakova said in an interview with "Hromadske" TV that prostitution should be legalized in Ukraine. 

Tretyakova stated that she is a supporter of the legalization of everything that is possible. According to her, “we’ve had a sex industry, this is one of the oldest professions, and the ones who organize it, the so-called souteneurs, are also in the black economy spectrum. They make a profit. There is humiliation, there are elements of human trafficking. These elements must be removed."

The people's deputy is confident that the legalization of prostitution will allow the state to control it, and the sex workers need social protection.

According to Tretyakova, “a person working in this field will then demand a pension from the state. If something happens to them, for example, an accident that leads to disability, and this requires care, social services will be involved. Social protection covers any citizen of Ukraine".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Galina Tretyakova, an MP from the “Servant of the People” party, who heads the Verkhovna Rada Committee for Social Policy, in her discussions on the appropriateness of social payments to unemployed citizens raised the topic of forced sterilization of unemployed people who have “low-quality” children.


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