Dumenko: We are being imposed the image of Petro Poroshenko's Church

Head of the OCU Epifaniy Dumenko and ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Photo: liga.net

The OCU is not the “Petro Poroshenko Church” as its opponents are trying to position it. The head of the OCU, Epifaniy Dumenko, stated this in an appeal published by the press service of the organization.

According to Dumenko, neither Poroshenko nor any other politician "plays any exclusive role in the life of the OCU."

“For promoting the development of the Local Church, we are grateful to all political forces, regardless of whether they represent power or opposition in a certain period of history. But not a single political force, party or individual leader can and will have any exclusive or even supervising role in the Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” he said.

At the same time, Dumenko stated that "none of the Ukrainian politicians had and has control over the position and decisions of the OCU."

“Various channels are spreading completely false information that the leadership of the OCU and the primate personally are allegedly controlled by someone. Such statements are outright lies and dirty slander,” added the head of the OCU.

Recall that Petro Poroshenko sat on the presidium of the "Unification Council" of the OCU, his name is inscribed in the text of the Tomos provided by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. During the 2019 presidential election, Epifaniy Dumenko, together with Poroshenko, made a number of trips to the cities of Ukraine, which journalists called the “tomos tour”.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that according to Dumenko, Poroshenko's place in history is next to Saint Prince Vladimir.

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