UOC: MinCult charges of Lavra’s emergency building are lies and manipulation

Fire in Building 112 in 2019. Photo: State Emergency Service

The head of the Synodal Information and Education Department of the UOC, Metropolitan Clement, commented to the UOJ accusations of the Ministry of Culture that the monastery “brought the premises” of Building 112 to a “hazardous condition”.

“What was said by the Ministry of Culture is an outright lie in order to shift the blame for the destruction of the architectural monument to the monastery,” the bishop said.

According to him, this building was transferred to the monastery in 2013. However, the UOC could not start restoration work there for reasons that did not depend on the Church.

“This room was the laboratory building of the infectious diseases hospital. Nothing historical has been preserved there, it's a remake and leatherette. Despite the fact that this is an architectural monument, the hospital brought this object to an emergency state. The Lavra tried to obtain at least some permits for restoration, but the Ministry of Culture did not provide anything. Therefore, it was simply not possible to start restoring this building. It was put on hold until the time when permits are provided,” says Metropolitan Clement.

He also recalled that there was an arson in this building in 2019, due to which the building ended up being in a hazardous condition.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Ministry of Culture recorded the "safety hazards" of the Lavra’s premises, which caught a fire earlier.

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