AFU soldier: Patriots should go to the front instead of taking over temples

An AFU soldier. Photo: screenshot of Channel 5

A soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a parishioner of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church told journalists exactly where true patriots should be today.

The soldier, whom the journalists of Channel 5 decided to interview on the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, said that as a defender of Ukraine he could not help but speak out against the lawlessness that is happening in relation to the UOC.

He said that at the very beginning of the war he volunteered to go to the front, despite the fact that he had three children at the time. A fourth child was born during the war.

"Do you know why I'm here today? Because when I was on a combat mission, someone pulled at my mother's arms. Where? And please tell me, how can a 'Moskalka', as my mother is called, bring up sons who are fighting for Ukraine?" he asked the Channel 5 journalist.

"It's a 'think-of-it' question," she replied.

The warrior also appealed to Channel 5 viewers who want to fight at the front: "I invite you all to join the Armed Forces. Please go to the military enlistment office, take summons, and do not go to temples and shake our Orthodox people."

"This is my message to you. Because only then will you be reasonable Ukrainians if you fight for the state and not against our Ukrainians exactly like me," said the AFU soldier.

As earlier reported, according to a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we are not only defending the state, we are also defending our Church.


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