Cherkasy bishop delegates powers to his vicar in case of arrest

Metropolitan Theodosy and Metropolitan Anthony. Photo: a screenshot of the YouTube channel “Cherkaskyi Blagovisnyk” ("Cherkasy Evangelist").

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv has delegated his powers to the vicar of the Cherkasy Eparchy, Bishop Anthony of Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi, in case of his arrest.

He said this during a sermon on 7 April 2023, which was published on the official YouTube channel “Cherkaskyi Blagovisnyk” (“Cherkasy Evangelist”).

"I have been charged with another criminal offence, On Monday I will be questioned by the SBU in the city of Cherkasy, and after the questioning, maybe one of the Cherkasy courts will decide on a measure of restraint against me as a criminal," Metropolitan Theodosy said.

"If they put me under overnight house arrest, it will mean that they want to decapitate our Cherkasy Eparchy and flock for the Easter holiday. If house arrest is imposed around the clock, it means that there is a command from Kyiv to completely decapitate the eparchy so that I cannot serve and lead it," the UOC hierarch added.

The head of the Cherkasy Eparchy noted that even while under house arrest he would continue to lead the eparchy, giving instructions to his assistants by telephone, but in the event of imprisonment, he delegated his authority to the vicar of the Cherkasy Eparchy, Bishop Anthony of Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi until the UOC leadership appointed his successor.

Metropolitan Theodosy called the charges brought against him by the SBU ridiculous and expressed hope that common sense would prevail in the Ukrainian leadership and it would refuse to fight against the UOC and its hierarchs.

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