Lawyer: SBU makes manipulative publications about Met Theodosy

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv. Photo:

The statement of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) about another "offence" of Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv is untrue and violates the norms of the criminal-procedural legislation. This was stated by the lawyer of Bishop Volodymyr Yudin, reports the UOC Information and Educational Department.

"We confidently assert that every thesis from the press release published by the SBU does not correspond to reality," the lawyer said. “And a proper legal assessment of the so-called 'unqualified evidence' will be given by the court."

The lawyer conceded that "perhaps the clerk who compiled this shameful report is unaware of such principles of criminal procedural law as legality, respect for human dignity and presumption of innocence".

"This is not the first time that blatantly manipulative publications have been made. Suffice it to recall the so-called 'Novorossiya flag' 'found' in one of the monasteries in the Cherkasy region, as well as the publication of photos of the search in the house of the metropolitan," Volodymyr Yudin noted.

He stressed that "such a PR campaign on the part of the law enforcement agency is unacceptable".

"It is only the court that should assess the evidence of the criminal proceedings, not the press service of the SBU Directorate. We also hope that in the future the court will also assess the categorical statements made in the press releases, but this time within the framework of another proceeding – one on the protection of honour and dignity.”

As reported, on 6 April 2023, SBU representatives informed Metropolitan Theodosy of the suspicion of "creating a website of the eparchy using the template of the Russian Orthodox Church". The agency said that Russian software is used which "allowed retransmission of destructive content from pro-Kremlin Internet resources", such as and The bishop is accused of committing a crime under Part 2 and Part 3 of Article 436-2 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code (justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, glorification of its participants).

In February 2023, SBU officers opened criminal proceedings against Metropolitan Theodosy under Article 161 of the Criminal Code (incitement of interfaith hatred).

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