OCU campaigner urges Ukraine to “respond” to Turkey for Hagia Sophia

Yaroslava Mishchenko with Sergey (Epiphany) Dumenko. Photo: Facebook page of Mishchenko

The journalist and leader of the project “For One Local Church” Yaroslava Mishchenko called on the Ukrainian authorities to retaliate against Turkey for turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque. She published a post on her Facebook page, in which she suggested three “asymmetric steps”.

First of all, Mishchenko appealed “to all baptized people” with a proposal “to stop going on vacation to Turkey, with relevant information support”.

Secondly, Mishchenko advised to invite Fethullah Gulen, organizer of the failed coup in Turkey,  to Ukraine, in connection with whom earlier the Turkish media accused Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople: “To invite Gulen, if not at the state level, then as a private initiative and to create a series of publications about him.”

The journalist also invited the authorities to recognize the Armenian Genocide, dedicating it to the 85th anniversary of the event, and to prepare publications about this in the media.

“At least we will know there is a response,” Mishchenko concluded.

Earlier, Turkish media accused Patriarch Bartholomew of his complicity in the Turkish coup and links with Gulen.

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