Lviv mayor announces plans for UOC property

Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi. Photo:

The city mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi, announced his intentions to place the Resurrection Novy Afon Monastery under the city council’s management and to dismantle the St. Volodymyr Church of the UOC. He also issued an ultimatum to the community of the Cathedral of St. George the Great Martyr. Sadovyi shared these plans on his Facebook page.

"Regarding the property of the Moscow Patriarchate in Lviv," writes Sadovyi. "The premises in Pekarska Street will be taken under the city's balance. We will develop a rehabilitation system here. This initiative is important and 'pleasing to God', so I think no one will oppose it. As for the illegal construction in Sykhiv, it will be dismantled soon. We have made the first decision to transfer the land to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. It will belong to the community."

The situation with the St. George Church in Bobanych Street, according to the mayor, is "more complicated".

"The property belongs to a religious community that verbally renounces the MP. Therefore, there are two options: officially become the Ukrainian Church or go through the nationalization process. All necessary documents are already prepared," Sadovyi wrote.

As the UOJ reported, in December, the SBU conducted searches at the Lviv St. George Cathedral.

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