Press service of Kamyanets-Podilskyi City Council calls to seize UOC temples

Alla Chepelyuk, an employee of the press service of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi City Council. Photo: LAVRA Live Telegram channel

The representative of the press service of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi City Council, Alla Chepelyuk, on the social network called on the residents of her city to follow the example of the raiders, who on April 2, 2023 seized the UOC Cathedral in Khmelnytsky. This is reported by the LAVRA Live Telegram channel.

“The community has said its word – finally, the Ukrainian language, the national anthem sounded in that church,” the official wrote. “The community in our Kamyanets should make a similar decision. Judging by the trend of transition to the OCU (or rather, the absence of it as such), our city is pretty much trailing far behind.”

Chepelyuk published a video with the ruling bishop of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi eparchy of the UOC, Metropolitan Theodore, “accusing” him of the fact that his name can be found on the website of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“The video shows Metropolitan Theodore (Nevsky Cathedral), whose name, by the way, is still on the Russian Orthodox Church website,” Chepelyuk writes in indignation.

“So how many more must die for you to stop going to the Moscow Patriarchate?” she asks.

As reported by the UOJ, the leadership of the Kamyanets National Historical and Architectural Reserve demanded that the UOC communities leave the St. Nicholas and Exaltation of the Cross churches in Kamyanets-Podilskyi.

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