Dumenko urges to "stop the Russian world" in the Lavra

Epifaniy Dumenko. Photo: screenshot of the YouTube channel espreso.tv

The head of the OCU, Epifaniy Dumenko, called for "stopping the Russian world" in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

In an interview published on the Espresso YouTube channel, Dumenko said that “there are relevant decisions of state bodies that the contract with the Moscow Patriarchate has been terminated, and now they must leave these premises (Lavra – Ed.).”

According to Epifaniy, if the monks of the UOC leave the Lavra, “prayer will nevertheless continue, because there are monks who are joining the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church.”

He said that he knew that “there are many monks within the walls of the monastery who expect us to receive a temple and a corresponding building there in order to continue the monastic life.”

Dumenko is sure that everything that happens to the Lavra is "an irreversible process."

He stated that the “anti-Maidan” had gathered in the Lavra and stressed that “we are called to stop this ‘Russian world’, everything that is trying to turn us into spiritual slavery from inside again.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Macedonian Orthodox Church explained its unwillingness to concelebrate with representatives of the OCU.

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