SBU reports suspicion to abbot of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshhorod. Photo: a screenshot from the YouTube channel of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

On April 1, 2023, 20 members of the Security Service of Ukraine came to Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed), the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and handed him a suspicion.

According to the UOJ correspondent, they want to place Bishop Pavel under house arrest.

His subdeacons were expelled from the Metropolitan's chambers, and no one is allowed inside.

At 12:00, SBU officers are planning to interrogate the abbot of the Lavra.

As Metropolitan of Nizhyn and Priluky Clement told the UOJ, the SBU handed Metropolitan Pavel a suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code at once: 161 (inciting inter-religious hatred) and 436 (justifying Russia's armed aggression). The head of the UOC Information and Education Department urges not to spread the speculation that has already been received by the media.

Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshhorod and Chornobyl warned the Кeserve against attempts to evict the monks without trial.

The UOJ is broadcasting the developments from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra on its Telegram channel.

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