Poturaev does not rule out that Lavra issue to be resolved in court

Chairman of the VR Committee for Humanitarian and Information Policy Nikita Poturaev. Photo: vesti.ua

MP from the "Servant of People" party and chairman of the parliamentary Committee for  Humanitarian and Information Policy Nikita Poturaev assumes that the question of the future of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, despite the unwillingness of the authorities, will still have to be solved in court. He said this in a commentary to espreso.tv.

"I do not rule out a scenario under which they (the UOC -Ed.) will stay there and demand a court ruling," the MP said. “I believe that there is no need in principle for a court decision, that all the actions on the part of the state and such state institutions as the reserve were made in accordance with the law, were absolutely justified, legitimate. But I understand that on such a sensitive issue, on which our enemies are sure to speculate in the international arena, the state may have to go to court, get a court decision, and then already come with bailiffs".

N. Poturaev is confident that the court will rule in favour of the authorities.

"The Lavra will belong to the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian state, and representatives of Churches independent of Russian influence, primarily the OCU, will serve in it exclusively," the MP proclaimed.

He accused representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of trying to provoke clashes at the Lavra.

"I hope that the UOC MP will leave the Kyiv Caves Monastery. I hope that there will be no clashes, provocations, etc. Although I already see that some radical representatives of the UOC MP, who remain in the Lavra, are already trying to provoke active citizens and law enforcement officers," the MP said.

He assured that "no one will respond to provocations" and that "civil society organizations are also well aware of this and are informed, so everyone behaves correctly in accordance with the law in force”.

As reported, the head of the UOC Department for Information and Education, Metropolitan Clement, said that pending a court ruling, there are all legal grounds not to allow the admission and transfer commission into the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra premises.

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