Uman Mayor opposes the arrival of pilgrims from Israel this year

Israeli pilgrims in Uman. Photo:

Mayor of Uman Alexander Tsebriy said in his video message to the residents of the city on his Facebook page that he opposes this year's visit of pilgrims from Israel to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. 

According to him, "every year about 30,000 pilgrims come to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, but this year the pandemic has made adjustments to our life".

The mayor noted that the coronavirus situation in Uman is manageable, "but the arrival of a large number of foreigners can cause an outbreak of the disease.

"I doubt very much that pilgrims who have expressed a desire to visit our city will have certified notes proving no coronavirus, I am not sure that they will be under observation and comply with all quarantine regulations," said Tsebriy.

In this regard, he asked the citizens to express their position regarding the readiness to receive pilgrims from Israel in Uman.

Tsebriy said that "given the situation today, I am against the arrival of pilgrims in Uman this year. But according to him, “only the community will decide everything".

Earlier Andrey Yermak, an aide to the President of Ukraine, said that Vladimir Zelenskyy and the then Prime Minister Alexey Goncharuk had agreed to create a tourist centre in Uman called "Second Jerusalem". 


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