Martsinkiv: Ivano-Frankivsk region becomes first without UOC

Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv. Photo:

The Ivano-Frankivsk region has become the first region in Ukraine to be "cleansed" from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ruslan Martsinkiv, wrote on Facebook.

According to him, the seizure of the last UOC temple in Ivano-Frankivsk caused resistance from the Church faithful. Martsinkiv said that the parishioners of the temple did not let the "clerics" of the OCU into the cathedral building and even allegedly sprayed gas.

It should be noted that social networks have already published footage showing exactly the radicals spraying gas inside the temple, after which they kick out the UOC clerics and believers.

"This was the last temple in the Ivano-Frankivsk region belonging to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. We have walked a long way to this event and today set a good example for the whole country. <...> I wish all our independent state, for which our fellows shed blood, to be cleansed from the Moscow Patriarchate," he added.

As reported, radicals seized the UOC cathedral in Ivano-Frankivsk.

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