UOC church burnt with Molotov cocktails in Ternopil region

The Church of the Holy Virgin of the UOC in the village of Kordyshiv. Photo: spzh.news

On the night of March 28, 2023, unknown offenders burnt down the church of the Holy Virgin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Kordyshiv of the Shumsk district, Ternopil region. The rector of the church, Archpriest George Tsezaruk, told the UOJ.

According to him, the church was first pelted with Molotov cocktails and later lit with gasoline.

" the altar, the throne and the credence were completely burnt out, the fire engulfed the middle part of the temple. The chalices were all melted, but the icons survived a bit. The church had just been built, not even finished. This is my premises, my private property," said the priest.

The archpriest said that police officers and forensic specialists are already working in the church. At the same time, Father Georgy believes that the arson was planned: "Once there were threats, they even poured blood on the stairs last year. But there has been no result to date. Yes, we applied to the police, but no one has found anyone. Today, the police reacted normally and are working.

As reported, vandals set fire to St. Volodymyr's Church in Lviv.

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