Zelensky awards Princess Olga Order to notorious TSN moderator

Alla Mazur. Photo: screenshot from TSN, YouTube channel 1+1

On the occasion of Constitution Day, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree presenting state awards to a number of Ukrainian figures, including the well-known TV presenter of “1+1” channel Alla Mazur, who is the “face” of numerous provocative stories aimed at denigrating and discrediting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to Decree No. 254/2020 of June 27, 2020, published on the official website of the President of Ukraine, Alla Mazur, the host of the TV news studio TRC “Studio 1+1”, was presented with the Order of Princess Olga of II Degree.

Among the Ukrainian famous actors who also received state awards are the representative of the UGCC, rector of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lublin (Poland) Stefan Batrukh, whom the President awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of V Degree.

Zelensky presented the awards "for significant personal contribution to state building, strengthening national security, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational development of the Ukrainian state, significant achievements in labor, and many years of conscientious work."

Recall that over the past few years, the TSN television news service of the 1+1 TV channel has regularly released stories aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and inciting sectarian hatred.

In fact, thanks to the "efforts" of this channel, there were broadcast narratives about “militants in robes”, a provocative “investigation” about the procession in Pochayiv Lavra (during which the 1+1 journalist introduced himself as an employee of Russian TV and asked believers of the UOC manipulative questions), and a lot of other video footage inciting sectarian strife.

With the onset of the coronavirus epidemic, TSN journalist, in an attempt to create another antichurch material, offered visitors to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra money kissing the holy icons in front of the camera.

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