Suprun tells about gays in US church and urges to back LGBT

Ulyana Suprun. Photo:

Former acting Ukrainian Health Minister Ulyana Suprun urged Ukrainians to be happy for LGBT-families by telling a story about gays in one of the US churches. Suprun wrote about this on her Facebook page.

Ulyana Suprun said that her 90-year-old grandmother, during the worship in one of the American churches, met two men who had adopted a child.

Neither her grandmother nor Suprun saw anything unusual in this picture: “It was just that two adults brought the adopted child to his first communion. And the grandmother, who by that time was already over 90 years old, was simply glad for a happy family. The two dads who take their child to church, teach the Ukrainian language and culture, are part of a community where everyone takes their family normally.”

“When they say that our society is simply not ready to accept a homosexual culture, I recall my grandmother. She lives in the United States, but lived in Ukraine for many years of her life. She was born in a small town in Galicia in the 20s of the last century. During World War II, she was a liason in the Ukrainian underground movement, which fought against the Nazis and the Soviets. She would hide members of the UPA (Ukrainian Resurgent Army – Ed.) in her house. She was constantly threatened to be caught by the NKVD agents. After the war, her husband, daughter and she had to leave Ukraine. She experienced and saw a lot in her life. However, she remained open to people and learned to take them as she found them,” Suprun wrote.

She said that she would like to live in a world where “90-year-old grandparents, 20-year-old guys, 50-year-old men and women see two fathers or mothers and ... just pass by, busy with their own affairs, as they do it when they see any other traditional family.”

Suprun reminded Ukrainians that in June gay parades are held around the world, which are “important measures necessary for the development of a free and responsible society, in particular in Ukraine.”

However, she noted, “it would be good not only to be confined to one pride in the center of Kyiv once a year but to learn to respect all people daily for their right to be themselves.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the cardinal of the RCC in the United States blessed an annual mass practice for LGBT people.

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