Believers worldwide come out in support of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra’s brethren

Students of the Orthodox Theological Academy in Warsaw. Photo: screenshot from the Mir YouTube channel

Parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from all over the world came out in support of the monks of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and called on the Ukrainian authorities to stop the persecution of the Church. The appeal of believers was published on the Mir YouTube channel.

In particular, students of the Orthodox Theological Academy in Warsaw stated that they did not support the lawless actions of the authorities directed against the UOC.

According to a parishioner from Germany, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra is the heart and soul of Orthodoxy, and the monks of the monastery are the prayer pillars of all Ukraine.

“My heart sincerely hurts for our state, and my soul hurts even more for our Orthodox faith. And for the main shrine – the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra,” said Nadezhda from the USA.

Another parishioner of the UOC, who spoke out in support of the Church, wished wisdom to the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and advised them to learn the history of their country: “I am faithful to the UOC, the Church not of the Moscow Patriarchate, which the media and the Ministry of Culture blatantly lie about. I express my support to the abbot of the Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, and the brethren, whom they want to evict from the holy monastery. Although it was these people who, with their prayers, raised the Lavra from the ruins and are now at the forefront of the spiritual battle.”

The parishioners reminded that the state has no right to interfere in the life of the Church, as it is written in the Constitution of Ukraine. At the same time, many are sure that the Ukrainian people will stand up for the Church and their faith to the end.

“I appeal to the authorities of Ukraine. Do not take away the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra from us. This is the spiritual pearl of our country, people. <...> You do not understand who you are going up against. But you should know that for our Lord, for our faith, we will stand to the end,” says a parishioner from Germany.

“I want to express prayerful support to the vicar, Metropolitan Pavel, and all the brethren of the Lavra. I appeal to our authorities with a demand to immediately stop the unconstitutional and lawless actions against the brethren of the Lavra, as well as our entire UOC,” said another UOC parishioner.

“Our holy sanctuaries, our monasteries are heaven on earth. The sky is open above it. The prayers of the monks maintain the existence of the earth. Who will encroach on such a shrine?” asks a believer of the UOC.

As the UOJ reported, the believers of the UOC declared their readiness to defend the Lavra from desecration and defilement.

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