Taksiur: It’s time to defend Lavra and its saints!

Video message of Yan Taksiur to Orthodox Ukrainians. Photo: screenshot of the video from the “1 Kozak” Facebook page

The time has come for us to defend the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and its saints, with whose prayers our country is still alive. About this Ukrainian writer and publicist Yan Taksiur said in his video message to Orthodox Ukrainians, published on the Facebook page of “First Cossack”.

“Dear brothers and sisters, everyone who is concerned about the fate of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The circumstances are so that today the enemies of our Church want to take away from us the greatest thousand-year-old shrine – the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. And if we are Christians, if we are truly disciples of Christ, we cannot remain indifferent,” said Mr. Taksiur in his address.

He reminded that a petition was posted on the website of the President of Ukraine with a request to prevent the seizure of the Holy Assumption Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and its transfer to schismatic organizations.

“I know that many of you consider petitions to be an ineffective method of protecting the rights of the Church. Yet, as long as there is the slightest opportunity to prevent the Ukrainian government from illegal actions in relation to our Church, we, I believe, should sign petition No. 22/094164. At the moment 20 thousand faithful have signed this petition, another 5 thousand signatures are needed. May it be our names, dear brothers and sisters! Let’s register on the website of the President of Ukraine and show patience and perseverance. Let’s sign up. More than 150 saints, who labored in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, are looking at us today. Their prayers keep our country and our city alive. The time has come for us to defend them. May God help you, brothers and sisters,” said Yan Taksiur.

The petition can be signed here.

Recall that earlier a step-by-step video tutorial on how to vote for the petition on the Lavra was published online.

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