UOC cleric: Desecration of "Motherland" is a funeral of Ukrainians’ honour

Metropolitan Augustine (Markevich). Photo: news.church.ua

The fact of the desecration of the memory of the fallen soldiers went unnoticed by the patriots, and this situation evokes a feeling of being present at the funeral of the honour and dignity of Ukrainians. This was stated by the head of the UOC Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and other Military Units of Ukraine, Metropolitan Augustine (Markevich) of Bila Tserkva and Boguslav, reports the UOC Information Centre.

According to the hierarch, the story of the LGBT flag raised above the “Motherland” monument could provoke a new confrontation in society.

“This event is on a par with those incidents when students fried sausages and eggs on the Eternal Flame,” he said. “But then it was a crime of stupid and "green" youngsters who do not understand what a monument to war heroes is. But those who desecrated the monument now know what they are doing.”

Bishop Augustine drew attention to the fact that the appalling fact of the desecration of the memory of the fallen Ukrainian soldiers went unnoticed by the patriotic public.

“Why did our patriots, who advocated national memory and moral values, keep silent? It's a shame!” said the bishop. “And I think it won’t be so easy.” The reaction of society in one form or another will certainly follow. And the people who desecrated the monument in honor of the victory over fascism, potentially provoke a new confrontation in our country."

According to him, such events are no longer surprising, "but what happened on June 21 causes not even disgust but the feeling of the presence at the funeral of the honour and dignity of Ukrainians."

“On Day of Mourning and Commemoration of War Victims in Ukraine, June 22, I prayed for the fallen soldiers, especially since my family has many participants in World War II, some of them did not return home. Therefore, on this day I always ask God for the repose for all the dead innocent victims of the war and, first of all, those who fought for the victory,” resumed Metropolitan Augustine (Markevich) of Bila Tserkva and Boguslav.

As reported, on June 21, 2020, representatives of the LGBT community, using an unmanned aerial vehicle, “decorated” the “Motherland” monument with a rainbow flag and recorded it on a video posted on social networks with the hashtag #Матизрозумієтапідтримає (“Mother will understand and support”).

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