Volyn regional council initiates searches in UOC temples and monasteries

Volyn regional councillor Andriy Bokoch is the initiator of searches in UOC temples and monasteries. Photo: new.volynrada.gov.ua

At the session of the Volyn regional council on March 16, 2023, the deputies supported the appeal to the head of the regional military administration and the regional police chief with a request to inspect the churches and monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Volodymyrsky district, reports the press service of the regional council.

The appeal was initiated by a deputy of the “For the Future” faction, Andriy Bokoch. He proposed to search churches and monasteries "for the possible presence of enemy propaganda materials and media content," and also to check the presence of "authentic and original ancient icons and iconostases, which have spiritual, historical and cultural value and are included in the relevant state registers" in churches and monasteries with the status of architectural monuments.

In addition, the deputy urged "to carry out preventive work with the clergy and activists of the UOC”.

The appeal stressed that representatives of the UOC clergy allegedly "regularly cooperate with the enemy and openly or veiledly take an anti-Ukrainian and anti-state position”.

The appeal was supported by 53 out of 59 MPs who were present at the session.

As reported, in March and December 2022, SBU officers conducted searches in the Zimne Sviatogorsk Dormition Stavropegial Сonvent of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is located in Volodymyrsky district, Volyn region.

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