Author of petition against UOC ban informed that it failed to win votes

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Photo:

The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers responded to the petition "Not to ban the UOC", which was signed by 25,000 people 28 days before the end of voting. The response from the government said that "the petition did not get the required number of votes within the deadline", the petition's author, Yuliya Kominko, said on Facebook.

Kominko admitted that the government wanted to pretend that there is no petition in support of the UOC:

"I even lost sleep from the surprise. But no, on the petition website ours is in place, there are already 25,200 signatures. I took screenshots, prepared a polite reply – as far as possible after such stress – and sent it back to the Cabinet of Ministers,” she writes. <...> “Still no reply. But we won't pretend that there was no petition against the UOC ban, will we?".

As reported, a petition asking not to ban the UOC gathered the required 25,000 votes.

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