French media horrified by the situation of Ukrainian "surrogate" babies

French media are horrified by the situation of Ukrainian "surrogate" babies. Photo:

On June 18, 2020, the French newspaper Le Figaro published a commentary by Claire de la Hougue, a lawyer specializing in bioethics issues, regarding the information on hundreds of surrogate mothers’ babies who could not be handed over to customers due to the coronavirus quarantine. 

According to the lawyer, the information about the babies "stranded" in Kiev while waiting to be handed over to their sponsors " aroused strong reactions in the country and even beyond".

“This shocking image, first published by a surrogacy agency to reassure its customers and try to force the hand of the Ukrainian government to open the borders, will have had the merit of drawing attention to these children conceived and given birth in performance of a contract, taken from their mother at birth and sold. It shows to what extent "surrogate motherhood" is contrary to the most elementary humanity,” the newspaper writes.

The publication explains that in Ukraine “there is theoretically a legal framework – infertile married parents, genetic link with at least one of the two sponsors, no genetic link between the surrogate mother and the child – but some agencies shamelessly break free of it”.

In France, surrogacy is currently prohibited.

As reported earlier, 600 thousand people protested against the law on eco-fertilization in Paris.


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