Fox News channel on banning UOC: It’s genuinely shameful, why are we silent?

The United States called on Christian leaders to speak out about the situation around the UOC. Photo: Fox News YouTube channel screenshot

On the air of the American Fox News channel, numerous believers were shown, who gathered on the day of the Synaxis of the Reverend Fathers of the Kyiv Caves in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Journalist Tucker Carlson criticized the actions of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in relation to the UOC and was indignant that Christian leaders in Ukraine were silent about the persecution of the Church.

"It's genuinely shameful that they're closing Ukrainian Orthodox churches and arresting priests,” Tucker Carlson said and asked, “Why are Christian leaders in the United States saying anything about this?"

The channel's studio also aired information that the persecution and arrests of priests began after they found leaflets, a few rubles in the monasteries of the UOC, but at the same time, no weapons or something particularly scary was found there.

“It’s pretty surprising because when you look at the situation, they are ejecting monks from the 11 century monastery, and there saints buried beneath this church. You don’t’ see this type of behavior in liberal democracies. And so you think – those who held Zelensky out as a particular hero, who cheered him, who assured this is someone that we need to support, we need to throw our support behind, as Christians would now be questioning his particular actions, and we really don’t see that. There has been a total silence as he has begun what can in many ways be called persecution of members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Faith. So why is that silence there?” the American television wondered.

Journalists also noted that Zelensky explains his actions by saying that the country needs spiritual independence, but at the same time closes monasteries and throws out monks from them. American journalists are perplexed why such actions of Zelensky are hushed up by the American Christian press.

“I would like to point out to the fact we do not even see a lot of coverage of it from outlets like Christianity Today, which Russell Moore is the editor-in-chief of. And that’s just some big questions that I have – how can you write so many essays about Trump, who hasn’t been in office for three years now, but really say nothing about what is religious persecution (of the UOC – Ed.),” the journalist of the channel said indignantly.

As the UOJ reported, Fox News previously stated that Zelensky is a man who raids monasteries and temples. Carlson ironically commented on the words of historian Michael Beschloss, who criticized those who did not applaud Zelensky in Congress.

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