Zelensky asked to liquidate the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance

The Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. Photo: pbs.twimg.com

On June 16, 2020, petition No. 22/098648-ep demanding the liquidation of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINR), which "carries out anti-constitutional and anti-legal activities against Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens", appeared on the website of the President of Ukraine.

The author of the petition, Nikolai Isaev, claims that the activities of the UINR contradict the requirements of the Ukrainian Constitution. In particular, this refers to Art. 15, which stipulates that no ideology can be recognized by the state as mandatory and the state guarantees freedom of political activity not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as Art. 37, according to which incitement of interethnic, racial, religious enmity and infringement on human rights and freedoms are prohibited.
“The Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance <...> illegally and forcibly imposes only Bandera's ideology on Ukraine and citizens of Ukraine, which is based on the integral nationalism – the fascism of Dmitry Dontsov,” the petition says. “The ideology of fascism (integral nationalism in Ukraine is prohibited by the Law of Ukraine "On the condemnation of the communist and national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda of their symbols."

In this regard, the author of the petition demands that President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky liquidate the UINR, “which carries out unconstitutional and anti-legal activities against Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens, illegally destroys and falsifies historical documents, distorting the real history of Ukraine, incites interethnic, racial and religious enmity, discord, violence and war between citizens of Ukraine, infringes on human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.” He also demands that the management and employees of the Institute of National Remembrance be brought to responsibility under the Law and that all archives held by UINR be transferred to the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “for storage and study”.

At the moment the petition is signed by 186 people out of 25,000 necessary for consideration by the President of Ukraine.

As reported, earlier Vladimir Zelensky responded to a petition against mandatory vaccination of the population.

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