Petition to ban UOJ created on the Cabinet of Ministers’ website

A petition against Orthodox resources registered on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. Photo:

A petition dated February 20, 2023, titled "Prohibit Aggressive UOJ Propaganda," has appeared on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The author of the petition, Ihor Myroslavovych Rybak, writes that "articles and videos disseminate aggression against the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Metropolitan Epifaniy, and the faithful of the OCU. In these aggressive materials, the so-called Orthodox journalists manipulate and speculate on facts, distort them in favour of the UOC-MP, openly disseminate Moscow propaganda of the 'Russian world,' and post messages about the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill," the petition author wrote.

The journalists of the resources on the website are also blamed for the materials, which are actively reprinted by the UOC eparchies and sent by laypeople to each other.

Therefore, Rybak demands that the websites be blocked, and the authors of the materials be punished in accordance with Ukrainian law.

As of March 10, 18 people have signed the petition.

As reported, the collection of signatures continues on the Cabinet of Ministers' website for the petition "Do Not Ban the UOC". The authors of the petition speak about their patriotic position and declare that the faithful of the UOC do not deserve to be labelled as "collaborators" and "FSB agents".

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