ROC bishop: We'll have to opt – remove Christ or be removed from “system”

Deputy Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate, Bishop Savva (Tutunov) of Zelenograd. Photo:

The thirst for freedom is inherent in man during Creation, but the development of technology, accounting and processing of personal data endangers the human soul and lays a challenge at people’s feet – to abandon Christ or get disconnected from the “system”, said Bishop Savva (Tutunov) of Zelenograd, Deputy Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate.

“A person can be confronted with a choice: either he renounces Christ or, as they say, he is disconnected from the system, from society. But not even this threat is terrible, although, probably, no one can vouch for himself whether he will resist the threat of martyrdom or not. Another thing is of concern. Any control technology can be used, for example, to eliminate the spread of the gospel doctrine,” the bishop warned on his Telegram channel.

He noted that this may not happen, but there is a risk of such use of technology. The possibilities from this use of technologies enhance their development.

“At the same time, we understand that some control technologies are necessary and inevitable – like passports or census. Therefore, there must be a balance that defines this control by public consensus, including with the participation of the Church,” concluded Bishop Savva.

Earlier, he drew public attention to the fact that the strengthening of personality control methods is a matter of concern.

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