Zelenska visits Abraham Family House, a complex of three religions, in UAE

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenskaya. Photo: president.gov.ua

On March 7, 2023, First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenskaya visited the ecumenical complex in Abu Dhabi called "Abraham Family House", reports the press service of the President's Office.

The complex unites in a single space a Christian church, a Muslim mosque and a Jewish synagogue.

"I was genuinely happy to see this inspiring place with my own eyes. People may have different faiths, languages, histories and cultures. But the core values – human life, mercy and justice – are common to all," Zelenska said.

The Temple of Three Religions opened to the public on March 1, 2023. Its work is intended to implement the Abu Dhabi Declaration for the Peaceful Coexistence of Humanity, which was signed in 2019 by Pope Francis and Imam Al-Azhar Tayyib.

"The complex takes its name from the biblical Abraham, on whose teachings the main world religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism – are based. <...> The construction of the three places of worship took on special significance following the normalisation of relations and the establishment of diplomatic ties between the UAE and Israel in September 2020," the OP said.

As reported, a temple of three world religions was opened in the UAE.

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