Cherkasy hierarch: We’re made to choose to be with OCU or pray in basements

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy. Photo: Screenshot from the Cherkasky Blagovisnyk YouTube channel

The clergy and parishioners of the UOC have been given a choice: either to unite with the OCU or to pray in basements, lodgings and on the roofs. This was said by Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv in an address to the parishioners, published by the press service of the diocese.

According to him, the faithful of the Church will certainly be able to survive these times, but how exactly – to cringe on their knees or keep their dignity – depends on the believers personally.

“It depends only on us how we will withstand this period. Whether we will kneel down or indulge in the lies imposed on us. They say to us, ‘Either unite with the OCU or go to your lodgings, rooftops, attics, basements and pray there like in Soviet times.’ You don't get a choice,” he says. “And it depends on us whether we will break down or pass this period with dignity. I mean dignity not in the sense of human earthly pride, which is a sin, but in the sense of ecclesiastical, spiritual dignity, the one the martyrs of the first three centuries had to endure such periods."

The hierarch also said that there are no objective reasons for the repression of the UOC.

“Why are we being chased? We were born on this land; we built the well-being of our people, each in their own place. We are citizens of our country. <…> I very much hope that this period will quickly pass in the life of our Church,” added Metropolitan Theodosy.

As the UOJ reported, Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy is charged with another criminal article.

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