Transfer of UAOC community to UGCC guarded by “Right Sector”

The transfer of the UAOC community to the UGCC was guarded by the “Right Sector”. Photo:

On June 14, 2020, at the general meeting of the Kharkiv St. Dmitry's parish of the Kharkiv-Poltava Eparchy of the UAOC, parishioners of the community voted for the transfer to the UGCC. The meeting was guarded by the "Right Sector", reports by a member of the organization Andrey Tarasenko on his Facebook page. 

"Today a really historic event took place in Kharkiv. At the Meeting of St. Dmitry’s parish, believers of the UAOC voted for the transfer to the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. This was preceded by a long way in five years from the XXV Eparchial Council on April 1, 2015.

Protection of the temple during the training camp was provided by the soldiers of the Kharkiv branch of the "Right Sector", wrote Tarasenko.


On June 14, 2020, at the general meeting of the Kharkiv St. Dmitry's parish of the Kharkiv-Poltava Eparchy of the UAOC, parishioners of the community almost unanimously voted for the transfer to the UGCC.

Earlier, St. Dmitry’s community of Kharkiv made a petition against joining the UGCC. The authors of the petition assured that most communities of the eparchy of the UAOC “did not support the schismatic actions” of “Archbishop” Igor Isichenko and transferred to the OCU as part of the UAOC.

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