Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem: Earthquakes happen because of LGBT debauchery

Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Amar. Photo:

Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Amar, a former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, said that earthquakes around the world are now happening because of "masculinity and depravity caused by the actions of the LGBT community," reports.

“Unfortunately, there is a struggle to equalize these people in their rights and facilitate their marriages – but I urge the government and judges not to approve of this,” quoted the rabbi as saying.

Amar emphasizes that natural disasters are due to "the iniquity of man." “God showed us what He does in a few seconds. How can we not care, where is the responsibility to the people?” the rabbi questions.

Shlomo Amar has previously called LGBT people a "vile sect".

In early 2023, he was harshly critical of the members of the Knesset (Parliament) who elected Amir Ohana, “married” to a man, as speaker.

As the UOJ wrote, prominent Israeli rabbis are convinced that the coming of the Messiah will take place in the very near future.

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