Hierarch of Phanar in US: Floyd’s death was not in vain

Archbishop Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis). Photo:orthodoxtimes.com

Archbishop Elpidophoros of America welcomed the Reform Agenda signed by the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, on police reforming in the aftermath of the murder of the 47-year-old African-American, George Floyd. It is reported by Orthodox Times.

“If the unjust murder of George Floyd brought all Americans closer to justice, then his death, even though it was tragic and unnecessary, was not in vain,” said Archbishop Elpidophoros in his statement, commenting on the main provisions of the reform.

The Reform Agenda prohibits the use of tactics that restrict breathing, false race-based 911 reports, access to information regarding any records of the disciplinary proceedings of security forces and the appointment of the Attorney General as a special prosecutor in matters relating to the deaths of civilians caused by law enforcement.

Archbishop Elpidophoros expressed his gratitude to Governor Andrew Cuomo and to the legislative body of New York state that, as a member of the New York Interfaith Advisory Council, rapidly took the initiative to consolidate the ambitious reform.

He noted, "The purpose of this reform is by no means to offend the police forces, but to take the corrective actions regarding police practices that were sometimes abusive or led our fellow citizens to death."

As reported by the UOJ, earlier the Greek President expressed support for the participation of the Head of the American Archbishopric of Panar in a protest in Brooklyn, which caused the condemnation of many Orthodox Greeks in the United States.

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