UOC cleric: LGBT "monopolizes" rainbow – symbol of God’s Testament & people

Archpriest Alexander Klimenko, a cleric of the Boryspil Eparchy of the UOC. Photo: a video screenshot from the YouTube channel “KRT Channel”

Archpriest Alexander Klimenko, a clergyman of the Boryspil Eparchy of the UOC, explained the danger of holding LGBT parades and drew public attention to the fact that members of this community “monopolized” the symbol of the Testament of God and people.

“The parade is held by the winners. As I understand it, we have lost already? <...> Can we allow a person to live without rules? When they "monopolize" my rainbow, which is given in the Old Testament as an image of the Testament of Heaven and earth, God and people, and, ultimately, a rainbow, as a reminder to us of what the violation of God's laws and Commandments leads to in society and across the whole planets,” he said on the KRT television channel.

The clergyman noted that now a person who is not related to the LGBT community can no longer take pictures with something rosy, without risking being ranked among gays or those who promote them. As an example, he recalled a story from his life when his subscribers bombarded him with questions and comments after they had seen a photo where Archpriest Alexander was launching a rainbow “kite” into the sky.

“I did not attach any importance to this. It was the color of the rainbow <...>. Listen, it's a rainbow! This is a recollection of my relationship with God, that this Testament with God will be eternal,” the clergyman noted and recalled that the same Bible, which contains a description of the history of the appearance of the rainbow, clearly speaks of the sinfulness of LGBT relationships.

Archpriest Alexander recalled that in the Old Testament, in the Book of Leviticus, same-sex relationships are clearly called “abomination” (Lev. 18:22).

“If society supports a certain inclination, then, in the end, a person receives the full right to boast of his/her sin <...>. If the whole society supports some kind of perversion, then the whole society becomes the initiator of such parades. Why? A person receives an internal moral right to boast of their sin. Because they did not get any impediment,” the clergyman emphasized.

As a confirmation, he recalled situations that often occur in everyday life – young people boast that they drink or use drugs because most of their company approves of this line of behaviour; and men often boast in their male company that they beat their wives to obey them.

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