Cherkasy Metropolitan urges Ukrainian authorities to stop persecuting UOC

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy. Photo:

Ukrainian authorities must leave the UOC alone so that millions of believers from all over the country have the opportunity to pray in their temples in their native Church Slavonic language, Metropolitan Theodosy (Snigirev) of Cherkasy and Kaniv said during a sermon published by the press service of the eparchy.

According to him, the UOC will have to endure many trials, but it depends only on the believers how exactly they will be passed – on their knees or by maintaining church dignity.

"They oppress us (the UOC – Ed.), they rob us, take away our churches, they want to destroy us, they put pressure on us and forbid us to open our mouth. <...> They want to destroy the conscience of the people, the UOC, the canonical Church. And they start from all sides. In the Rada, there are 9 bills aimed at the destruction of the UOC. <...> Therefore, all eyes of Ukraine are with us now, prayers of Ukraine are in Cherkasy now. But leave us alone, let us pray in our temples, let us pray in the Church Slavonic language that we are used to and want to pray in. Let us serve the canonical liturgy," the Metropolitan said.

As reported, the SBU announced that Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy was suspected under Article 161 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.

The UOJ also wrote that the court chose a measure of restraint for Metropolitan Theodosy in the form of personal recognizance.

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