Epiphany Dumenko: Actions of Phanar leader did a lot of good to Orthodoxy

Head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Epiphany Dumenko. Photo:pbs.twimg.com

All are witnesses to the fact that the “endeavors” of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on “maintaining unity and unanimity among the Local Churches” have born “a lot of good fruits” over the past year. The head of the OCU, Epiphany Dumenko, wrote about this on his Facebook page, congratulating the head of Phanar on his St. Patron’s Day.

“You, Your Holiness, are very diligent in promoting the testimony of truth among the Orthodox Christians and in front of the whole world in word and deed,” Epiphany noted in his congratulatory message. “At this special time of sorrows and trials the Lord has allowed for the Church and all mankind, I want to assure Your Holiness of our eternal love, constant prayer both for you personally and for our Mother Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate you are worthily leading.”

He emphasized that he respects the “hard work” of Patriarch Bartholomew “in maintaining unity and unanimity among the Local Churches, because all are witnesses to the fact that many good fruits of this work have been born over the past year.”

“I assure you of our abiding deep respect, constant prayer for you, and I ask for prayer for our Orthodox Church of Ukraine, for the peace and unity of Ukraine and for our pious people!” Epiphany concluded his congratulations.

Recall that on his St. Patron’s day, the head of the OCU received public congratulations only from Filaret Denisenko.

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