Metropolitan Augustine: Church blesses the faithful to defend their land

Metropolitan Augustine (Markevych). Photo:

The head of the UOC Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and other military formations of Ukraine, Metropolitan Augustine of Bila Tserkva and Bohuslav addressed his compatriots on the occasion of the anniversary of the start of the full-scale attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. The metropolitan's address was published by the UOC Synodal Information and Education Department.

The UOC hierarch noted that the heroic resistance of Ukrainians is a struggle not only for physical survival and preservation of the territorial integrity of the state but also for our freedom, identity and spiritual and moral values.

"True Christians cannot perceive, approve or support wars of aggression. At that, the Holy Church has always blessed the faithful to defend their land, their homeland. During this war, the Ukrainian people, with God's help, have proved their ability to give a proper response to the military aggressor. The Armed Forces of Ukraine defended the capital of our state, Kyiv, from the invaders, drove out the enemy from the north of Ukraine, and conducted successful offensive operations in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions," wrote Vladyka Augustine.

He urged us to sincerely thank God for these victories and for all God's mercies to us.

"Neither condemnation, nor malice, nor hatred, nor exaltation of any mortal man or anything earthly but an expression of glory and gratitude to God will assist our brave soldiers and our people in the defence of our native land, victory over the enemy and complete and final liberation from the Russian occupation," the head of the UOC Military Department noted.

Metropolitan Augustine urged the faithful to offer their sincere prayers as often as possible to the Most Holy Mother of God – the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as to all the saints glorified in our land.

"Regularly visit holy temples, properly receive the Holy Mysteries, sincerely pray for God-protected our state – Ukraine and its army, for all the hardworking and peace-loving people of Ukraine, for all workers and the burdened, for the near and far, for the admonition of enemies and peace in our land. Let us stand together, for our spiritual strength is in unity with God and with one another! Let us help as we can to our soldiers and all those in need," resumed Metropolitan Augustine.

As reported, the head of the UOC Military Department stressed that the Church is always in unity with its people and UOC believers support the soldiers and victims of hostilities.

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