Elon Musk’s partner sells “part of her soul” for $10 million

Singer Grimes. Photo: spletnik.ru

The Canadian singer Grimes, known as the common-law wife of multimillionaire Elon Musk, put up a lot called “Selling Out” at her conceptual art exhibition, a document confirming the deal for part of her soul. This was reported on May 30, 2020 by Vesti.

According to the publication, Grimes together with her lawyer drafted a document confirming the deal on part of her soul – the singer charged $10 million for this lot provided the auction "hopefully makes a better offer.”

Speaking about the motives of her decision, the singer explained, “The deeper we delved into this idea, the more interesting it got from the point of view of philosophy. I really wanted to get my lawyer attached to art. The idea of fantastic art in the form of legal documents seems very exciting to me,” she said.

Grimes, however, said that she hoped no one would buy this lot: "I do not want anyone to buy it; therefore we have set such a price."

As reported by the UOJ, earlier Elon Musk’s girlfriend said she would let her child choose gender on his/her own.

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