Ministry of Health predicts the end date of coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine

The Ministry of Health predicted the end date of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine. Photo:

The chief sanitary doctor Viktor Liashko forecast the date of the end of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine. It was reported on May 28, 2020, by the Apostrophe edition.

“It is still too early to talk about this (zero statistics on the incidence of coronavirus – Ed.), but we assume it will be June 22. Here a lot depends on whether this virus is seasonal or not. Now we could say it is, because the virus circulation geography is similar to the flu and flu-like diseases,” said Liashko.

He specified that he is worried by the fact that the coronavirus incidence is on the rise in Russia, while in Europe it is declining.

“In fact, all countries in the European Region are supposed to show a significant decrease. Europe is to be followed in the first line by North America, South America, the countries of Africa, then Australia, and again China. This is how flu and flu-like illnesses circulate,” he explained.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko announced the lifting of the quarantine regime in three monasteries of the UOC in Kyiv.

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