UOC hierarch tells when patriotism can grow to fascism

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: screenshot of the video on the YouTube channel of Metropolitan Anthony.

On May 24, 2020, the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, said in which case patriotism could develop into fascism. He announced this on the air of the Church and Society program. 

The hierarch reiterated, “The Orthodox Church has always cultivated in Her faithful love for the native land, always supported Christian patriotism. The social policy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church rests on the concept that an Orthodox Christian is called to love his Motherland, to preserve and develop the national culture, national identity.”

According to him, “our love for our native land should be manifested in the defense of the Motherland from the enemy, labor and concern for the sake of people's life. However, patriotism, like any other human feeling, may be subject to sinful distortions.”

“Fascism or Nazism arises when love for one’s own nation morphs into hatred of other nations, and national feelings cause xenophobia, interethnic hostility or the idea of national exceptionalism. This means that the sin has distorted patriotism and a natural perception of the nation. From a Christian point of view, this means the victory of sinful pride over sincere love for one's neighbor,” concluded the hierarch.

As the UOJ reported, earlier Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) stated that Christianity is the destiny of strong and courageous people, while humility is valuable in the eyes of God and is His gift to man for his brave heart.

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