Viatrovych about UOC: No expertise needed, just ban it

MP of Ukraine Volodymyr Viatrovych. Photo:

Volodymyr Viatrovych, MP of Ukraine from the European Solidarity faction, said that no expertise is needed to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to him, the examinations, which will still have to prove the connection of the UOC with Moscow, "these are additional obstacles that will prevent the achievement of the main thing – to block the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Ukrainian state."

“I think it's redundant. Moreover, this examination can be challenged in court, because the courts recognize only forensic examinations,” he told Ukrinform.

The politician noted that the government bill only delays the process of outlawing the UOC.

At the same time, Viatrovych recalled bill No. 8221, authored by the MP of the European Solidarity Mykola Kniazhytsky. The document proposes to ban the UOC, but without any expert examinations.

“I hope that we will have a meeting with representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, the authors of this bill,” says the people’s deputy, “so that we convince our colleagues of the correctness of supporting our document as the main tool in banning the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Verkhovna Rada Committee recommended that the Parliament support the law banning the UOC.

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