SEFC: Half of the facilities affected by the war belong to the UOC

Temple in Izium. Photo:

From February 24, 2022 to January 26, 2023, at least 307 religious buildings in at least 15 regions of Ukraine were completely destroyed or suffered damage of varying degrees, almost 48% (142 objects) of the 297 damaged Christian buildings belong to the UOC, the State Service of Ukraine on Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience reported.

The largest number of destroyed religious buildings is in the Donetsk (75) and Luhansk (59) regions. After them come the Kyiv (43) and Kharkiv (38) regions.

5 of the 307 buildings damaged because of the warfare are Muslim, 5 are Jewish, and the remaining 297 are Christian.

30 belong to the Protestant communities, 21 to the OCU, 5 to the Catholic Church (RCC), 4 to the UGCC, 95 structures belong to communities of Jehovah's Witnesses.

As the UOJ reported earlier, the State Service of Ukraine on Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience reported that 205 religious buildings in 14 regions of Ukraine were damaged by the war.

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