Ministry of Education liquidates Commission for Christian Ethics

Министерство образования и науки Украины. Фото:

On May 18, 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine liquidated the Commission for the Basics of Christian Ethics, which for a long time approved programmes and teaching aids on the basics of Christian ethics, writes the professor of the Ostroh Academy Vasily Zhukovsky on his Facebook page.

The professor considers the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “a kind of diversion against the eternal spiritual and moral values on which the life of the Ukrainian people is built.”

“We regard this decision as a misunderstanding, an unfriendly act, a kind of dismantling the best traditions of the Ukrainian people, disrespect for spiritual and moral values, a lack of understanding of the nature of human personality, a radical impoverishment of the educational process, the restriction of the constitutional rights granted to profess and express our values and beliefs,” said Zhukovsky.

The professor called on “Christians and other people of goodwill” to unite and act to protect their values, “without which we are nothing”.

As reported earlier, the Verkhovna Rada registered draft law No. 3316 on amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding crimes motivated by gender intolerance, which was opposed by the UOC, the AUCCRO and 58 people's deputies.

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