Zelenskyy: Sobornist is an Orthodox Sophia, a mosque and a synagogue

Photo: a screenshot of YouTube channel "Ze! President"

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy congratulated citizens on Ukraine's Sobornist Day and said that sobornist (unity) is an Orthodox Sophia, a mosque and a synagogue.

The video was published on the YouTube channel "Ze! President".

"Our sobornist is strong. With the walls of Akkerman, "Palanka", Khotyn and Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Medjibozh, Lubart Castle, and the Genoese Fortress. Our sobornist shines with golden lavras: Kyiv-Pechersk, Pochaiv and Sviatogorsk Lavras. Sobornist is Sophia, St. Jura Cathedral, Bakhchisarai Great Khan's Mosque and the synagogue in Dnipro," Zelenskyy said.

"All over our Ukraine. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Spring. All this we defend. Together. And win. Together. And entire Ukraine will hear the sounds of victory," Zelenskyy added.

As earlier reported, Zelenskyy visited the UGCC University in Lviv.

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