UOC parish in Zadubrivka – to President: You’re waiting till they kill us?

The UOC temple in honor of the Archangel Michael in Zadubrivka. Photo: screenshot of the video on the page of the Chernivtsi-Bukovina Eparchy on Facebook

On May 12, 2020, the religious community of the UOC temple in honor of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zadubrivka in the Chernivtsi Region asked President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to protect them from the attacks by activists of the OCU. A video message of the worshipers to the President was published on the page of the Chernivtsi-Bukovina Eparchy on Facebook.

In their appeal, the UOC parishioners drew the attention of the Head of state to the fact that more than a year ago they had already addressed him with a request to resolve the conflict that arose because of the illegal forced transfer of the community to the OCU.

For over this year, the conflict has not abated but even led to bloodshed, the victims noted. Adherents of the church structure of Epiphany Dumenko beat up the believers, supporters of the OCU wounded one of the parishioners with a knife in the head, and used tear gas against the women who were hiding inside the temple.

“How much will you turn a blind eye to such lawlessness? Are you waiting for the UOC believers to be killed in Zadubrivka? Believers are not afraid to die for Christ, but is this relevant for democratic Ukraine, which is striving to join the EU?” residents of Zadubrivka village asked Zelensky.

On the night of May 4, 2020, adherents of the OCU tried to seize the temple in Zadubrivka. This happened on the day of the death of their rector. During the raider attack, supporters of the church structure of Epiphany Dumenko used tear gas against the faithful and injured one of the parishioners with a knife in the head.

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