UOC hierarch: War against fascism – war of Christianity against Antichrist

Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka: the war against fascism is the war of Christianity against Antichrist

The war against fascism is not a struggle for political dominance, it is a struggle of the Christian worldview with the worldview of Antichrist, the vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka said on the pages of the "Я Корреспондент" online edition.

“The struggle against fascism was the struggle of the Christian worldview against the worldview of Antichrist. Our fearless defenders of the Fatherland defended, even unconsciously, Christian civilization, Christian values, the best that was created by man over the centuries since the Birth of Christ,” said the bishop.

He explained why fascism is deeply anti-Christian in nature. Christ never rejected sinners, cripples, or Samaritans, never divided people into more or less worthy. Fascism, however, not only divides people into “the worthy” and “the unworthy” but also suggests that “the unworthy” do not always have the right to life.

According to the UOC hierarch, the ideas of such "superiority" of some over others, the ideas of racism and "natural selection" are still alive today. They lead to massacres and the deaths of millions.

“Today, when some are trying to belittle the significance of the Great Victory, to equalize the victors and the defeated, the defenders and the invaders, we need to remind that this is not just a war for political dominance but a war for civilizational choice. But for the 1945 Victory, there would be nothing of what is now,” Bishop Victor recalled.

He explained that our forefathers fought not so much for peace in their country as for peace in the world, and fought with monsters and murderers, "who, hiding behind science-based ideas, simply quenched their manic thirst for destruction and death".

“In fact, in World War II, not the USSR and its allies defeated the Nazis, but Life defeated death. And, probably, precisely for this reason, the celebration of the Great Victory will always be inextricably linked with Easter – the Holy Resurrection of Christ,” concluded the bishop. “Therefore, congratulating everyone today on the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II, I would like to wish one thing –  that the Risen Christ will give each of us the main victory in our life – the victory over sin.”

Earlier, another hierarch of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, noted that May 9 is a celebration of the preservation of the Ukrainian people on the world map.

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